google-site-verification=__9HzC976Z_UlgZM5eiW3y39r2yWrlhzK3bcFH4FBFo Menu | Lee's Chinese Food
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Dragon Lantern

Opening Hours:

Thursday to Sunday: 5pm - 9pm

Please call ahead for collection

Menu: Opening Hours
Menu: RestaurantsMenus

Allergen Information

ALLERGEN KEY  information:
🥜 - NUTS; 🍤 - SHELLFISH; 🐟 - FISH; 🌾 -  GLUTEN; 🌱 -  SESAME ; 🥚 -  EGG; 🏺 - SOYA; 🍈 - LEGUMES.

We CAN'T guarantee that our dishes are totally free from NUTS or traces of NUTS as our suppliers can't do so either.

Menu: Text
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